He wasn’t always the main man – dear old Mincemeat, Great-Grandma’s human-sized utterly devoted ginger cat. He started out as her side-kick in 2013, remaining so for almost seven years. But nothing stays the same as they say. In 2019 I lost my mum, and I had a dreadful year. At the end of that year, I was at a crossroads. Ditch it all, or make something of the talent I have been given by my lovely dad. I decided to take my destiny into my own hands and start my own publishing company.
It’s December 2019. A fish and chip restaurant is as good a place as any to have a brainstorming meeting! My husband Keith, my son Nicholas, and myself. Nicholas suggested rebranding.
“You’re not going to like it Mum. I really think your two main characters should swop places.”
“Not going to like it… Hmm… 😏 I love it!” 😁
Keith suggested ‘Mincemeat’s World of Adventures’. I was in!
I began thinking as to what I would call my company.
“Something quirky like fish face, but I probably wouldn’t do it,” I said. (Inspiration from sitting in a fish and chip restaurant perhaps!)
“Why not?” asked Keith.
The Fish Face Publishing Company! Yes! It has the quirky, slightly bonkers branding I wanted.
It’s January 2020 and seven years on from when Mincemeat was first created.

Mincemeat would remain the kindly soul that he has always been. Dependable and nurturing with a warmth that he exudes, and always willing to help anyone.
Mincemeat’s first love has always been baking. And as time went on, his interests expanded. Sewing – a love he has inherited from his Grandma Twinkle, along with her sewing machine! Then there’s dancing, tinkering with his motorbike, and even renovating a hot dog van!

An excerpt from ‘Mincemeat and a Train Called Zayn‘
He always wore his “I Love Cooking” apron whenever he was busy baking in the kitchen. As the sweet chestnut cake baked in the oven, a buttery, caramel smell wafted up Mincemeat’s nose.
The radio happened to be playing one of his favourite tunes. Closing his eyes and with outstretched paws, he swayed to the music while breathing in the luscious smell.
When the timer on the oven pinged, Mincemeat put on his oven gloves. Then he carefully lifted the cake out of the oven and set it on a wire rack. While he waited for it to cool, Mincemeat fried dandelions and nettles until they were extremely crispy – one of Great-Grandma’s favourites – and mashed up some mackerel for himself.
So just where did Mincemeat come from? I think that something remained in my psyche from a favourite childhood book – Carbonel, about a cat, a broomstick, and a schoolgirl called Rosemary.

Nicholas asked me how I came up with the name ‘Mincemeat’? I can honestly say it appeared on the screen in front of me. I am very spiritual by nature, and I have always had this feeling that it’s something/someone else writing. Of course, like all authors, I get writer’s block, but when it flows, it just flows. Mincemeat’s backstory came to life, being raised by his Grandma Twinkle, now a resident of Flossie Feline’s Old Age Home. You can read it here! Everyone has a Backstory – Fish Face Publishing
Mincemeat is my best buddy. Always my inspiration. A part of my past, my present, and my future.