That, is the question!
Do you know why it’s called a ‘blog’? Well, it’s short for ‘weblog’ which is a log, or personal web page, or online diary that is published on the World Wide Web. In 1997 American blogger Jorn Barger invented the word ‘weblog’. It was shortened by Peter Merholz in 1999 to ‘blog’. Shortly afterwards, Evan Williams used the word ‘blog’ as both a noun and a verb, ‘to blog’.
Blogging has become crucial for use as a marketing tool in business. It improves a website’s SEO – search engine optimization. It grows the amount of traffic visiting a website by increasing the visibility of that website to people who are searching. It’s known as ‘organic reach’. Google constantly monitors a website’s content, and how often posts or updates such as blogs are put up. Google loves content! If a website is regularly updated with engaging, informative, and interesting topics in the form of a blog, it will increase the SEO. And website traffic is what you want! Once people engage with you, they will remember you!
Blogging is not just for the big players. It has allowed small businesses to compete with the larger ones. Blogging doesn’t cost anything, unless of course you wish to hire someone to write your blogs for you! That’s big business too! Today people have turned their blogging skills into a profession, with top notch bloggers earning big bucks!
So, back to the beginning. To blog or not to blog?

You can see from my blog, the answer is most definitely, “Yes!”
Blogging is, without a doubt, an effective marketing tool. Blogs can be fun though as well as informative. At least, that is what I try to do! And I love writing them! I’ll let you into two little secrets! Coming up with the ideas and content can be pretty challenging, and this is really exciting – ‘The Little Fish Face Book of Blogs’ is well in the making! 😁
Until next time on the blog! 👋