Finding the right illustrator is quite a challenge! There are literally many hundreds of very talented people out there, each working in their own individual way. I knew I needed someone who would fit the quirky nature of my writing and my brand.

There are authors who are illustrators too as I was to discover, Samantha Webb being one such illustrator. I can’t draw to save my life – it’s all in my head, but I can create the pictures in words! I contacted Sam. Working with her is inspiring. She has the incredible gift to enable the characters formed in my head to replicate onto the page and come to life!
For an author, the illustration stage is one of the most exciting. For a children’s author, it is an especially magical time!
Here is a little gallery of her unique work, starting with my logo. Sam’s natural talent has a wonderfully distinctive style. You can find Sam here: www.bysamanthawebb.co.uk.