Just as with a finished production in a theatre so much goes on behind the scenes, so it is for writing a book. The world is a rich delicious pot of discovery to acquire ideas! You just have to dip in and see what’s there! Once the ideas form in my head and I know the direction the story will take, I construct the framework around my characters. In my ‘How to Build a Story’ workshops I teach the children exactly that. It really is a building exercise from the ground up, and there is something magical about seeing a character emerge from your head and develop into a picture in words right in front of you!
I have often visited schools, but even before my school visits began, I was aware that children would love to see something I have written about, for real. Mincemeat and Great-Grandma’s cottage is a little Aladdin’s cave of interesting everyday items. To source many of these items, I headed straight for eBay!
My writing comes alive to the children as they see set out before them on the table the household objects Mincemeat would use. They loved coming up to the table after the author visit, touching the items and asking lots of questions.
You may already know that Mincemeat inherited his Grandma Twinkles’ old sewing machine, as with failing eyesight, it became increasingly difficult for her to sew anymore. I set about my mission, loving every second of surfing about on eBay! I had never bid for anything before, and quickly learnt that you need to have nerves of steel, especially if it’s an item you really want! Team that with sticking to your budget – an essential! It’s soon nail-biting stuff! I sourced the dearest little fully working vintage sewing machine with the bidding going to the wire I can tell you! I really wanted that item! Quite often you are up against buyers who are buying to sell on, so they don’t have the same emotional connection as yourself. Did I get it? Well, you’ll just have to wait and see!

I sourced an original ancient door key for the cottage, which the children loved! But I think my most amazing find on eBay was a piece of driftwood from a Welsh beach that has a face on it! I named him Woody of course! That particular find in itself was incredible. I just happened upon it. But even more unbelievable, was the fact that I had already written about that face in the form of a talking tree before even sourcing the driftwood! You’ll meet my talking tree in my books! You can see Woody’s face quite clearly if you look closely. And there’s the key to Mincemeat and Great-Grandma’s cottage in Roast Potato Lane! I didn’t source the shed sign – dear old Mincemeat made that completely by himself!
Is that a sewing machine on the table? Let’s have a closer look…. 🧐

Well, that was just a sneaky peek… here you are!…
The children loved turning the working handle!
Oh, I didn’t tell you about Mincemeat’s picnic basket! Believe this if you will…another bidder tried to snatch that from me with five, yes five, seconds to go!
I’d love to hear from you if you’ve surfed about on eBay and got into the old bidding wars! Do write in, I’d love to read your stories. You can always find me here.
Until next time on the blog, ‘bye for now!