December 2019. This way or that way.
Near on seven years in as a children’s author, and I am truly at a crossroads. The loss of my dear Mum earlier in the year focuses my mind. After copious submissions – yet again – I decide once and for all, to opt-out of the soul-destroying wait for someone to tell me I am good enough. Life is just too short.
I have the self-belief. I’m going to take a leap of faith and be the mistress of my own destiny. I’m going to set up my own publishing company. I’m going to rebrand and remodel.
Where to begin? Research, and more research. I get real. I need help. Good old Google. The aim of my search: Children’s author needs genuine person to design an engaging website and to advise on marketing. Please flag yourself up on Google, with the emphasis on the genuine.
Expect the unexpected. This is where I finish up. Not in the literal sense you understand, although it is on my wish list.

I find myself (virtually) across the pond on the Western Seaboard in Seattle, Washington State USA!
If I say so myself, I seem to have a knack of spotting genuine people, and the not so genuine! Charlie Pabst, bucket loads of integrity that stands out from the start. AND he understands me, and my brand from day one.

We talk website design. I had more than a decent enough website. “Love your site!” says Charlie. But it needed bringing into line with my new brand. Charlie is an awesome website designer. The proof is in the pudding as they say, and it’s a mighty fine pudding!
Next up on the agenda: “Charlie, do you know anyone I could hook up with who has marketed a children’s book?”
Boom! The whole thing explodes – in a good way that is! And here follows my learning curve! From Charlie. Lessons in how it’s done. Where to get the knowledge, and how to apply it. No sugar coating the pill – it is at times an overwhelming task. See my blog about my virtual fairy assistant Emma! 😉
No-one is an Island – Fish Face Publishing
“I feel I am wading through jelly Charlie.”
“Just keep going. There’s no magic bullet. You’re going to hear a lot of crickets.”
I keep going.
Crickets? Not all phrases cross the pond. Once again, good old Google. If like me you don’t know what it means, it literally means that it’s so quiet, you can hear the crickets! Makes sense.

Charlie has taught me that in today’s world you are simply not an author, whatever the genre. You are running a business, and you must promote yourself! You are allowed the above-mentioned fairy to help you though!

Did I also mention – don’t entertain the idea of working with the awesome Charlie if you believe in the power of ‘can’t’. Do work with Charlie if you believe in the power of “How can I…?”
Seven months on, and Charlie had new services on offer. Branding and design strategy. Put simply, he helps a person figure out how to best present themselves to the world consistently and comfortably, and to develop a brand/website around that.
Charlie is a gem. I am blessed to have found him and to be working with him. If you can’t make it to Seattle, you can find him here!
And Charlie, because of you, I can see the top of the mountain.